Time to Challenge Your Social Anxiety

Managing your social anxiety starts with not avoiding it. Yes, it's a painful truth, but sitting at home, hoping it will magically disappear, never worked for anyone. I've tried it. You've probably tried it. And now you're here. 

What works is exposing yourself incrementally and intentionally. That's what you're going to do now.

Progressive Exposure Therapy

Each task is intentionally designed to challenge all the different pieces of your social anxiety. Yes, you’ll have to engage with people on some tasks, but you’ll be challenging yourself internally on others. 

 Each task has a reflection page attached to it. It’s just as important to reflect and debrief on your experience with the tasks as it is to check them off. In that white space, you expand yourself while minimizing your social anxiety.


10 things I've done to test my social anxiety

These are all experiences that helped me push past my Social Anxiety in one way or another. 

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  • Total payment
  • 1xSocial Anxiety Challenge Workbook$30
  • Testing Social Anxiety BONUS PDF$0

All prices in USD

Here's what's included:

  • 30 tasks with 3 difficulty levels each
  • 5 advanced tasks (do you dare?)
  • You'll also get a bonus PDF "10 Things I've done to test my social anxiety"

What's been said:

"I'm so glad I found this challenge. It's tough having social anxiety. It makes me want to pack everything in and walk away. Last week I found myself thinking, where does it come from? I didn't sit down to think about it until I completed some of the tasks" 

Christiane Heston
Challenge Participant
